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Stay ahead of your multiple myeloma and help accelerate a cure.

Fighting multiple myeloma is a marathon and sometimes a sprint. HealthTree empowers you and your healthcare team with the knowledge you need at every key decision point. HealthTree connects the dots between you, other patients and cutting edge scientists to accelerate research towards a cure.

Need help getting started? Print the Answers I Need Questionnaire and ask your care team to help you fill it out.

HealthTree was founded by Jenny, a myeloma patient like you

Why does every myeloma patient have to reinvent the wheel at diagnosis? Stop making life and death treatment decisions in a vacuum. Watch her story to find out how.

What if we shared our collective myeloma stories?

This idea captured the imagination of the Today Show who agrees that patients can help advance a cure by sharing their myeloma story. Our shared experiences can help advance myeloma patient care for better outcomes.

Patient Solutions

Find hundreds of different side effects with thousands of solutions in our Patient Solutions tool. It is crowdsourced, so all the information comes from patients just like you. By sharing your experiences we can all come together and help each other have a better quality of life.

Chat with others in our Community Forums

Now there’s a place to find and share knowledge on specific myeloma topics. Join the Myeloma Crowd Community Forums to have more meaningful discussions with your myeloma peers.

Join The Conversation

Learn from HealthTree University

Learn step by step from more than 75 myeloma specialists about hundreds of topics like how long do patients live with myeloma, myeloma staging or what to expect during a stem cell transplant. Walk into your appointments with the knowledge you need to become an empowered patient.

Take a class now

Twin Machine™ Tool

Use our Twin Machine™ technology to find, connect and chat with other patients just like you. See your twins' treatments and outcomes, find those that lived the longest with myeloma and learn what contributed to their success.

Keep track of your myeloma

Get rid of your drawer of printed myeloma reports. Keep all of your myeloma information in a single place from multiple facilities. This includes your myeloma labs, genetic reports and other key markers. Find help understanding your labs and which numbers you should be watching so you can become your own best advocate.

Find treatment options just for you

Myeloma patients have to frequently make treatment decisions. Learn how 25 of the top myeloma experts would treat you at each stage of therapy. Walk into your appointments prepared for shared decision making with your doctor.

Help accelerate myeloma research

Answer simple questions and join studies in HealthTree that help myeloma researchers gain new insights in weeks instead of years (for free). We can’t wait for a cure. Can you?

Connect with clinical trials

Clinical trials should always be considered as a treatment option. Together with SparkCures, we take more than 450 open myeloma clinical trials and reduce them to a manageable list that you are personally eligible to join.

Find Myeloma Specialists

Live longer with myeloma by consulting with a myeloma expert.


Find a Myeloma Coach

Find free volunteers who can help guide you through your myeloma journey.


Find Financial Help

Find help with things such as: co-pay assistance, prescription costs, housing, or legal support.


View more than 70 reports about myeloma

Thousands of patients just like you have shared their myeloma story in HealthTree. When we share, there’s no limit to what we can learn together. Here are some examples:

Demographic Reports

Learn how myeloma affects us by age, gender or other demographic features.

Lifestyle Reports

Does alcohol or smoking play a role in myeloma? Do sleep habits, diet or pesticides have any effect on a diagnosis?

Genetic Reports

See the myeloma genetic features of other patients using HealthTree.

Family History Reports

See how many families have more than one person diagnosed with some form of myeloma.

Myeloma News

What people are saying about us



HealthTree is an example of a patient-powered interactive software platform that helps empower patients and offers the chance to meaningfully engage patients in hypothesis generation and discussion of myeloma research.



HealthTree provides an innovative solution for patients with multiple myeloma. We hope this support tool will allow patients to be more informed, as they discuss options with their treating physicians. Given that myeloma is not one of the most common malignancies, it is hard for community providers to stay up-to-date on the best treatment options. We hope this tool will provide patients with guidance for further discussion with their physicians and serve as a platform for patient-driven research.



HealthTree is a wonderful hypothesis generation tool.



Getting the right treatment to the right patient at the right time while taking a patient’s personal preference into consideration is the ultimate goal of healthcare. Positive outcomes can only happen when meaningful discussions transpire based on shared decision making across the entire team. HealthTree will empower patients and care parters with easily accessible tools they need to educate themselves so they can actively engage in these interactions and confidently make informed decisions.



HealthTree is a unique and fresh approach to gathering patient supplied data and making it available across the spectrum of healthcare professionals, researchers, and fellow patients. This will be of great benefit to those who have multiple myeloma and are seeking future treatments and hopefully a cure.



I’m excited that HealthTree offers patients two major benefits. The first is a way to organize their past treatments, responses and side-effects. Patients will always have this information at hand when meeting with the doctors. And the second is with the backing of myeloma specialist, HealthTree can offer a patient potential next treatment options specifically developed for that patient to discuss with their doctor.



I am already planning to present my specialist with the results of my HealthTree options at my next appointment.



HealthTree brings into one, easy-to-access place my medical history, my treatment history and my test results, making it easy for me to prepare for doctors’ visits and accurately share my experience with others. It gets hard to remember the details of what medicine you took when, and what the treatments did to your numbers, but with HealthTree, it’s right there.



Less than 20% of patients are treated by a myeloma specialist and live twice as long or more than if treated by a local hematologist/oncologist. The underserved 80% of patients will live much longer if their doctor use HeathTree to guide their treatment plans. This is the most useful tool ever developed to bring the most current individualized treatments to the entire myeloma patient community.

Be part of the solution

We’re helping to connect patients with cures, and helping further the research of new cures.

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